
The evolving Pulsar Group (formerly Access Intelligence) portfolio includes Pulsar, an advanced social listening and audience intelligence platform; Isentia, the market-leading media monitoring, intelligence and insights solution provider; Vuelio, a leading media intelligence platform with monitoring, insight, engagement and evaluation tools; and ResponseSource, the network that connects media and influencers to the resources they need.

Pulsar Group has achieved the following security certifications which recognises the Group’s exceptional standards in data management and security. This benefits all clients who can rely on the organisation’s ability to store and process sensitive data in a secure way underpinned by robust systems, increased business resilience, and improved management processes.

Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-driven initiative to promote high standards in cyber security practices across all industries and sectors.

More about Cyber Essentials
ISO 27001 Certificate

ISO 27001

The international standard for Information Security Management shows our commitment to using a strict risk management approach to protect our data and our client’s data

More about ISO 27001

Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership

The Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership (CISP) is a digital service which allows UK private sector organisations and government departments to collaborate.

As a member of CiSP, Pulsar Group collaborates with the NCSC, Police and other industry leaders to build cyber threat awareness to reduce the impact on UK business.

Learn more about CISP

National Cybersecurity Alliance

The National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) have collaborated for 20 years to promote October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

This is a collaboration between the US government and global private industry to raise awareness about digital security and empower everyone to protect their personal data from digital forms of crime.

Learn how to Stay Safe Online

Cybersecurity Awareness

As a registered champion of the NCS’s international program, Pulsar Group is committed to raising the security awareness of its employees and partners through regular training courses, quizzes and communications.

Learn how to Stay Safe Online